London Times 2003 . London, UK
Photos : Adrian WM Jones
Photo Documentary : London Times 2003
London Times is a brief look at city life between the City of London, Westminster and the not yet gentrified boroughs of Tulse Hill and Brixton south of the river. This was my first real attempt at breaking into more direct work involving characters and people in frame, something I had struggled to confront up until this point. In photography I think it's easy to shy away from what really challenges our comfort zone, whether it be delving into the science of supplemental lighting, photographing people candidly, studio work or the cross over between digital and film (which was highly topical in 2003). This piece earned me my first commission with TimeOut London, I remember telling the editor I was now shooting on digital and asking would that be OK, they were a little cautious and thought it was a little unusual but said it should be OK as long as there were enough megapixels, my camera had 3.5 million! imagine that! My girlfriend at the time commuted from Tulse Hill into the city, she had urged me one morning to get onto London Bridge before the first batch of communters arrived saying that there was plenty of good material to capture. She was right, the images which I shot there over the river were the ones which caught the eye of the editor at TimeOut, I also learned that no great image were going to walk across my lens by chance, I had to source it, although I've never tried, I imagine that shooting people candidly shares some similarities as seeking out your stage in the Serengeti waiting for the characters of the scene to congregate.
Adrian WM Jones
Adrian Jones is a Connecticut based architectural photographer & documentary photographer. With over 20 years in the field he has worked in many areas of the film and photography industry and now uses his vast experience to focus on photographing architecture for architects and personal documentary projects.
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